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22/4 Life Path | How To Make 2023 A Turning-Point Year

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Master 22/4: The Master Builder & Teacher of Teachers

For the 22/4 Life Path, take a look at both the article in this series for the 2 (and double it!) and then the 4. The Master 22/4 is the master teacher and master builder of the world. Nothing daunting about that, right? And it comes with some more intense challenges along the way!

As we bridge into 2023, understand that we’ll all be experiencing a 7 Universal Year, which brings a more contemplative and self-reflective vibe into the mix. The 7 is about doing your research, planning, and spiritual growth. Collectively, this is a time of deep soul-searching.

More immediately, your Personal Year maps out the energy that’s supporting and guiding you personally. We won’t add that layer to the mix right now.  Instead, we’re focusing on the “umbrella” energy that all of us will experience globally in 2023.

>>If you’re interested in the Personal Year, calculate it here.

Yet as a 22/4 Life Path, here are some ideas about how to focus on creating your upgraded and updated life in 2023.

Are you leaning into your higher purpose, oh-22/4 Life Path?

If so, how can you step into your Master status while embracing humility, moderating your emotional sensitivity, and bringing your work into a new level? The energy of the 4 (of your Life Path) and the 7 (the Universal Year) have this in common: They are both seekers of knowledge. This is a key element for the 22/4 Life Path this year. Yours is a spiritual pathway to material manifestation. And this year might beacon you to gain new skills, certification, a degree, or any other form of higher-learning.

The 22/4 Life Path often stumbles and blocks progress by needing constant encouragement or reinforcement from others.

Does this resonate? Yes, we all need validation and a few “good job!” observations from others along the way. Yet for the 22/4, this intense need can swerve into a self-righteous wall of self-sabotage. This stems from the influence of the uber-sensitive double 2’s. This is the year to step back and see where that might show up for you. Beware that you can feel a sense of victimization this year — so step back and really tune into how you set things up in your life and how you participate in the very dynamics that you’re potentially struggling with. Making mindful and positive changes here can be a pivotal part of making 2023 your Turning Point Year.

Photo:  todd-aarnes@unsplash

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