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Affirmations for love

Here’s a great list of love and relationship affirmations for you to print or add to your journal when you need an extra boost. You can even bookmark this page and read it aloud, write it, or say it in your head every day.

I see you clearly with the eyes of pure unconditional love.

I love what I see.

Affirmations for love

My relationship as a couple made in heaven manifests itself on Earth.

I am in a happy intimate relationship.

Every day, in every way, our relationship is getting better, better and better.

My partner and I are very much in love.

My partner and I are compatible, and we are perfectly aligned physically.

My partner and I are compatible, and we are perfectly aligned sexually.

My partner and I are compatible, and we are perfectly aligned emotionally.

My partner and I are compatible, and we are perfectly aligned intellectually.

My partner and I are fully compatible and perfectly aligned spiritually.

I attract love and romance into my life, and I accept it now.

My partner is loyal to me.

I am magnetic and irresistible to my partner.

I radiate pure unconditional love towards my partner.

From time to time, I ask my partner how I can love you more?

I choose to see my partner clearly with the eyes of love and compassion.

I love what I see.

Love happens. I release the desperate need for love!

I release the need for my partner to approve of me.

I allow love to find me quickly and effortlessly.

Love is all around me. I feel it everywhere.

Joy fills my whole world.

I was born to learn to love myself more and share that love with the people around me.

My partner is the love of my life, and we adore each other.

I rejoice in the love that I find every day.

Now I deserve love, romance and joy and all the blessings that life has to offer me.

Love is everything!

Only love is Real.

I radiate pure unconditional love towards my partner.

I am safe in all my relationships.

They always treat me well.

Lasting love relationships light up my life.

I am very grateful for all the love in my life.

I find love everywhere.

I am surrounded by love.

Everything is fine.

My heart is open to love.

I speak words of love to my partner.

I have an excellent partner, and we are both happy and at peace.

I come from the loving space of my heart, and I know that love opens up new possibilities.

Deep in the centre of my being, there is an infinite well of love.

I am in an intimate and joyful relationship with a person who loves me.

My relationships are mirrors that show me myself.

affirmations for self love
affirmations for self love

Now I am learning from all my relationships.

Every day I laugh more with my partner.

My relationships are helping me heal and love myself.

I am strong, vulnerable and loving in my relationships.

I deserve love and sexual pleasure.

Everything is okay in my relationship with my partner.

I am now ready to accept a happy and fulfilling relationship.

Now I am ready for my relationships to work.

I love myself and naturally attract relationships into my life.

Now I am attracting precisely the type of relationship that I want.

Now I am divinely irresistible to my perfect match.

All the difficulties between ________ and me are now healing.

The more I love myself, the more I love ___________

I love ____________ and____________ loves me.

All the changes in my relationship and my life are positive.

I am safe.

I am open to receiving love and extending it.

I interact with my partner positively and joyfully every day.

We stay focused on the big picture of our relationship.

Giving unconditional love to my partner fills me with energy.

I enjoy doing small acts of kindness for my partner. I love seeing the joy on her face.

I always keep a sense of humour about things in my relationship.

I am always focused and in the present moment of my life and my relationship.

I accept respect and enjoy our differences.

Differences add interest and variety to my relationship.

I am looking for ways to contribute to the growth and happiness of my partner.

I selflessly support my partner in his goals, knowing that this will make him happy.

I respect what my partner has to say

I listen to my partner with genuine interest.

I offer empathy when appropriate.

I want to love. That is why I give love to my partner.

I want respect. That’s why I give respect to my partner.

I want cooperation, so I give cooperation to my partner.

I want compassion, so I give understanding to my partner.

I am feminine and full of grace.

I am feminine and receptive.

I have great inner strength.

I am receptive and grateful for all the love that my partner pours out on me.

I release excessive control and let my relationship flow.

I am receptive to the romantic advances of my partner.

I admire and respect my partner a lot for everything he is.

I admire and respect my partner because …

I express my respect and admiration for my partner daily.

My feminine energy blends perfectly and beautifully with my partner’s masculine energy.

My partner and I are increasingly aligned with spirit.

Spirit is the source of love for my partner and me.

Spirit is the source of abundance for my partner and me.

Spirit heals our relationship entirely on all levels.

The spirit dissolves everything different from love in our relationship.

Through this relationship, each day, we grow closer to the spirit.

The spirit already blesses me ________ with health, harmony and prosperity.

The spirit fills me with Divine Love and compassion.

We are filled with the light and love of the spirit at all times.

We surrender all the differences between us to the spirit.

My partner and I fulfill Divine potential in our relationship.

I see and focus on our similarities more every day.

How easy it is to create a relationship made in heaven!

I AM the presence of divine love here and now in this relationship.

The spirit guides me by letting me know when to speak and when to stop and listen.

With the help of the spirit, I easily identify with the position of my partner.

With the help of the spirit, I see things from my partner’s point of view quickly.

Our house is full of beautiful, loving energy.

Our bed is charged with the energy of love and romance.

My aura harmonizes perfectly with my partner’s and is filled with pure love when we are together.

My energy harmonizes perfectly with my partner’s and is filled with pure love when we are together.

Our chakras are aligned in perfect harmony with the source and with each other.

Love and peace surround my partner and me at all times.

We are surrounded by romantic, loving energy when we are together.

Our minds work in perfect harmony.

My partner and I are cosmically compatible souls.

My partner and I exude an attractive feeling of compassion and mutual support.

Intuitively we feel safe, relaxed, and eager to get closer.

We emanate a peaceful glow.

We feel good about each other.

We feel energized and optimistic when we are together.

I am radiant and full of vitality, enjoying life to the fullest.

I am beautiful, and everyone loves me. I am greeted by love wherever I go.

I am becoming more and more self-assured, calm, and confident.

I love life, and life loves me.

I am a beautiful being of light.

I love myself unconditionally for all my perfections and imperfections.

My inner light shines brightly from within me.

I am beautiful both inside and out.

The infinite love of the source is filling me.

I am acting from my Higher Self.

I look at myself in the mirror with joy and say, I love you, I love you.

I release all perceived past wrongdoings from my partner. I release them with love.

I honor who I am.

I see the world through eyes of love and acceptance.

Everything is okay in my world.

I voluntarily release any need for struggle or suffering. I deserve all the good stuff.

I choose to be at peace with myself.

I choose to feel good about myself.

I am worthy of my love.

It doesn’t matter what other people say or do. What matters most is how I choose to react and what I choose to believe about myself.

I am lovely, and I am very grateful.

The greatest gift I can give myself is unconditional love.

I love myself exactly the way I am.

I no longer expect to be perfect to love myself.

I am a truly unique and blessed creature unlike any other.

I am irresistibly attractive!

Life supports me in every possible way.

I move through life knowing that I am divinely protected and guided.

I can do all things through the spirit who strengthens me.

I am a busy woman fulfilling my life purpose.

I see myself reaching great heights of success.

I see myself achieving …

I am a truly remarkable woman who has achieved… (Make a list of all your successes no matter what they are!)

I love my life!

Today is a beautiful day!

I have a lot of confidence in myself!

I attract miracles into my life now!

I deeply and genuinely love and approve of myself.

I am adequate at all times to do what is asked of me.

I love who I am.

I am willing to love everything about me.

I open my heart to love.

I forgive myself.

I forgive those who need forgiveness for not being what I wanted them to be.

I recognize my beauty.

Love is the purpose of my life.

Love is everywhere.

I open myself to the healing powers of love.

I follow the path of the heart.

It’s easy for me to express love, and it’s easy to say myself in return.

I am open to receiving love from the perfect partner for me.

_________ is deeply and passionately in love with me as I AM.

I AM attracting an emotionally available partner to my loving and generous spirit.

Love is attracted to me, and I AM attracted to love.

I welcome love with open arms.

I see myself in love with a couple of my dreams.

I am surrounded by love, and everything is fine.

My heart is always open, and I radiate love.

All my relationships are long-lasting and loving.

I see everything with loving eyes, and I love everything I see.

My partner is the love of my life.

He loves me as much as I love him.

In life, I always get what I give, and I always show love.

I find love in all my relationships, and I love these encounters.

I deserve love, and I get it in abundance.

I have attracted the most loving person in my life, and now life is full of joy.

I love myself and everyone else, and in return, everyone loves me.

Wherever I go, I find love, and life is joyful.

My partner and I are the perfect matches for each other, and the love between us is divine.

I love and accept myself exactly as I am.

Now I am in an ideal relationship with my perfect partner.

Self Love Affirmations

I love myself completely.

affirmations for self love
affirmations for self love

I am a loving and forgiving person.

Now I express love to everyone I meet.

I radiate love and happiness.

I give and receive love with ease and joy.

Love comes to be easy.

Loving people in my life surround me.

People just hope to love me, and I allow it.

I love myself and am in charge of my happiness.

I give and receive love without effort.

I am worthy of great love.

I breathe universal love.

I love myself for who I am.

I attract beautiful and loving people into my life.

I promise to love and feel loved all the time.

I always deserve love.

I deserve love, success and happiness.

I always attract love relationships to my life.

I release the pain of my unpleasant experiences in love.

I am worthy of love.

Project love to everyone I know.

I radiate love and happiness.

I love and approve of myself.

Genuine love comes to me effortlessly.

I feel loved all the time.

I bathe in the unconditional love of the Universe.

I deserve to be loved fully and completely.

I am a radiant being full of light and love.

I express love freely.

I live in waves of expanding love and creativity.

Divine love is working through me now.

I radiate love to all people, places and things.

I am a radiant being full of light and love.

I love and accept myself exactly the way I am.

Now I express love to everyone I meet.

I am a radiant centre of divine love.

Divine love is working through me now.

Love radiates from me at all times.

I love myself completely.

Love comes to me effortless.

I give and receive love with ease and joy.

Others love me with ease and joy.

Now I feel loved and appreciated by my parents, my friends.

I express love freely.

As I give love, I instantly receive more.

I radiate love to all people, places and things.

I breathe universal love.

I attract beautiful and loving people into my life.

I always deserve love.

I am attracting love relationships into my life.

Project love to everyone I know.

I love and approve of myself.

I am a loving person.

I accept the love of others.

I love me.

I can show love with my actions.

I love my co-workers.

I love my neighbours.

I love my couple.

I love to live.

I love the opportunities in my life.

I love everyone, although I don’t always love what they do.

Love is eternal

Master, therefore I am an eternal being.

I pray that love will fill the hearts of those around me.

Love makes me happy.

I show love to everyone I meet.

I am surrounded by love.

I love and accept myself exactly the way I am.

I know I deserve love, and I accept it now.

I am a beautiful, creative and loving person, which is reflected in my relationships with others.

Loving myself brings healing and an abundance of love into my life.

The love that I give returns to me multiplied.

Love flows through my body, shines on my face and radiates from me in all directions.

I love myself for who I am.

I am beautiful inside and out.

I am special in many unique ways.

I love every part of me, from the tip of my feet to the end of my hair.

I am gifted with a fantastic body that works perfectly.

I can do beautiful things thanks to this body.

I love, accept, and honor every aspect of my physical being that makes me who I am.

I love expressed abundance.

I love all the knowledge that I have and all the wisdom that comes to me at every moment.

I am blessed with a mind that understands things quickly.

I am a creative being capable of making life joyful and exciting.

I love the lessons learned from daily experience.

I am full of ideas to empower others and support them on their journey.

I can communicate knowledge and wisdom to anyone effectively.

I love and accept myself and honor all thoughts of who I am.

I love abundance.

I love the passion I have for life and unconditional love.

I am eager to give unlimited love to myself to lavish endless love on others.

I am interested in giving all the pleasant things to the people with whom I meet every day.

I love the talent and skills that I have.

I am a creator of many unique ways to express love to anyone I meet.

I am actively involved in making the world a better place for everyone.

I love and accept myself and honor all the emotions that make me who I am.

I love the abundant spirit that moves in my entire being.

I am surrounded by a glorious light that attracts all the best in life.

I am pure energy of love vibrating in the highest and most significant expression of itself.

I love the divinity that abounds in me and everyone around me.

I am one with every spirit in this Universe, wishing for peace, unity, harmony and joy.

I am part of the larger entity in which all love and light dwell.

I love and accept myself, and I honor the holiness within me that shapes who I am.

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